Commercial Management Level (Pending)
RatePayment VS ProgressPayment VS PlanProgress VS Plan
100%Payment A2 >= Progress A1 Payment is equal to planActual Progress A1 >= Plan of Progress P1
BestSucuss in management [Project team pass]Sucuss in payment collection [Commencial team pass]Sucuss in submission on time [Design team pass]
80%Payment A2 >= Progress A1 Actual Payment A2 >= Plan of Payment P2Actual Progress A1 < Plan of Progress P1
SuperSucuss in management [Project team pass]Sucuss in payment collection [Commencial team pass]Failed in submission on time [Design team failed]
60%Acutal Payment A2 >= Actual Progress A1 Actual Payment A2 < Plan of Payment P2Actual Progress A1 < Plan of Progress P1
GoodSucuss in management [Project team pass]Failed in payment collection [Commencial team faile]Failed in submission on time [Design team failed]
40%Acutal Payment A2 < Actual Progress A1 Actual Payment A2 < Plan of Payment P2Actual Progress A1 >= Plan of Progress P1
No goodFailed in management [Project team failed]Failed in payment collection [Commencial team faile]Sucuss in submission on time [Design team pass]
20%Acutal Payment A2 < Actual Progress A1 Actual Payment A2 < Plan of Payment P2Actual Progress A1 < Plan of Progress P1
BadFailed in management [Project team failed]Failed in payment collection [Commencial team faile]Failed in submission on time [Design team failed]
0%Acutal Payment A2 << Actual Progress A1 Actual Payment A2 << Plan of Payment P2Actual Progress A1 << Plan of Progress P1
WarningFailed in management [Project team failed]Failed in payment collection [Commencial team faile]Failed in submission on time [Design team failed]
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